Fishing For The Mission 22

Become a Volunteer Ambassador

In the United States, a mere one percent of our population courageously elects to serve in the armed forces. This select group bears the responsibility of preserving our freedoms and upholding the values we hold dear. For the remaining 99 percent of us, it is our solemn obligation to stand by these heroes in their time of need. When you volunteer with Fishing for the Mission 22, you are answering this call of duty, providing critical assistance to our veterans while simultaneously promoting mental health awareness through the shared passion for fishing. We take pride in our dedicated team of volunteers, bound by their love for fishing and their resolve to advocate for veterans and mental health awareness. As an ambassador, you will have the chance to cultivate meaningful connections within the community, organize fishing tournaments, participate in a variety of activities, and assume several proactive roles crucial to our organization’s growth.

Join us and make a tangible difference!

As a Fishing for the Mission 22 Volunteer Ambassador, your potential contributions could include:

1. Community Engagement: Build relationships within the community across multiple platforms, ranging from in-person events to online forums. Promote our mission, programs, and initiatives, and inspire others to join us by sharing stories of success and progress.

2. Fishing Derby Management: Lead the planning and execution of fishing derbies, unique fundraising events essential to our mission. Collaborate with key stakeholders, secure necessary permits, coordinate with sponsors and volunteers, and ensure a successful event. Broaden the reach of these derbies to attract more participants and sponsors.

3. Event Presence: Represent Fishing for the Mission 22 at various events, including outdoor exhibitions, veterans’ support gatherings, and mental health awareness campaigns. Engage with attendees, disseminate information about our organization, and encourage participation in our programs and events.

4. Fundraising Initiatives: Actively participate in fundraising activities to support our programs and initiatives. Lead crowdfunding campaigns, solicit sponsorships, and encourage generous contributions. Use your networking skills and creative thinking to secure financial support for our cause.

5. Educational Outreach: Work with educational institutions, community centers, and veteran organizations to offer presentations, workshops, or seminars on mental health awareness and the therapeutic benefits of fishing. Highlight the challenges faced by veterans and the support resources available to them.

6. Content Production: Enhance our organization’s online presence by creating compelling content for our blog and social media platforms. Share fishing tips, recount stories of veterans who have found solace in our programs, and provide updates on upcoming events. Educate and inspire our audience about the positive role of fishing in mental health.

7. Organization Representation: Embody the values and mission of Fishing for the Mission 22 as a professional, empathetic, and committed representative. Foster positive relationships with participants, volunteers, sponsors, and the broader community.

As part of our ambassador team, you will play a pivotal role in improving the lives of veterans and advocating for mental health awareness through the shared love of fishing. Together, we can profoundly impact the lives of those who have served our nation.

Apply to Become An Ambassdor

If the role of a Fishing for the Mission 22 ambassador resonates with you, kindly complete the form below. We encourage you to provide as much detail as possible. We eagerly await the opportunity to welcome you into our team as we join forces to create a meaningful impact on our community.

Thank you for your unwavering support!

We are excited to have you join our team and appreciate your commitment to making a positive impact in our community. If you have any additional questions or specific preferences, please feel free to include them in your response.


    **Personal Information:**

    To proceed with your application, please kindly confirm your agreement and understanding of the above questions by clicking the acknowledgment box below. Your confirmation ensures that you have comprehensively understood and are committed to complying with the program’s requirements. Once we receive your application, we will promptly reach out to schedule a phone interview. Thank you for your interest in our program!

    We are committed to helping veterans heal.

    Operation Tackle 22 and Common Ground 22 Network

    Donate to Fishing For The Misson 22